Here is what you've missed....
1. Originally posted on June 4, 2008
Nate makes it official as well.
Despite the bleak status of my bank account, yesterday I finally registered for two of the final three races I intend to compete in this season. So officially, the line up is this:
Aug 24: Livestrong 5k - Philadelphia, PA
Sept 21: Finger Lakes Triathlon - Canandaigua, New Y0rk
Oct 11: Under Armour Marathon - Baltimore, MD
I still have to register for the Reeds Lake Triathlon in Michigan on Sept 6, and somehow scramble for $500 to pay the registration for next years Lake Placid Ironman... but at least I have three events officially on the books.
2. Originally posted on June 7, 2008
Running on hold.
Due to a series of unfortunate events that ultimately led to me pulling my left hamstring in a soccer match, any running that I previously planned on doing prior to my return stateside will have to be postponed.
3. Originally posted on June 14, 2008
This Experience...
Trust me, it's paradise.
This is where the hungry come to feed. For mine is a generation that circles the globe in search of something we haven't tried before.
So never refuse an invitation.
Never resist the unfamiliar.
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience... and if it hurts, ya know what? It's probably worth it. You hope and you dream, but you never believe that something's gonna happen to you. Not like it does in the movies.
But when it actually does... it lasts forever.
4. Originally posted June 16, 2008
Ah... what a difference a little rest, running shoes and an ipod makes!
Ran yesterday in actual running shoes, with an ipod, and not knackered after soccer training. The difference was unreal!
Planned on doing 4 miles easy but that quickly changed as i took off like a bat our of hell and decided to do 2 miles fast. Came through the first mile at 5:20, my fastest time in years, and finished the 2 miles in 11:17. I've been able to run the mile itself in under 6 minutes since my early high school years, but i've always struggled to get my 2 mile time under 12. Breakthrough! Its nice to know that my 5k time is definitely under 20 minutes now!
The songs "Someday" by Flipsyde and "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor provided the PERFECT cadence. Give it a whirl.
My goal for the Finger Lakes Triathlon is to do better than i did two years ago. That being said... if i don't come in top 5 this year, i'll be disappointed. :)
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